Committees & Task Forces
Legislative Committee
The Metro West Legislative Committee monitors and evaluates the impact of pending state and federal legislation and regulations as they affect the well-being of residents in Metro West’s member municipalities (DeKalb, Kane, and Kendall Counties). The Committee guides Council members in responding to legislative issues and may also recommend and develop legislative proposals to address problems and issues that have been raised by its member municipalities.
Legislative Positions
Each year the Committee recommends legislative priorities and positions that guide the Council’s legislative actions and activities and provide a focus for lobbying efforts.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee, with the assistance of the executive director and input from the Treasurer, is responsible for providing financial oversight of the organization. The committee advises on financial planning, budget development and risk management. It reviews and recommends financial policy and procedures. The Committee provides Board members with an understanding of their financial responsibilities.
Strategic Plan Committee
The Strategic Plan Committee is responsible for ensuring the Metro West continues making progress toward fulfilling its long-range Strategic Plan. The Committee accomplishes this by annually reviewing the Metro West Strategic Plan with the Board of Directors and recommending policy, program and activity priorities for the coming year. The Committee is chaired by the Metro West Board Secretary and meets at least three times each year.
Membership Committee
The Membership and Programs Committee explores and enhances opportunities with strategic partnerships, promotes membership in Metro West and makes recommendations on new membership programs and services. Most recently, the committee developed a membership brochure and examined the issue of associate memberships. The Committee meets periodically as needed.
Water Conservation Task Force
Water supply issues have been identified as a critical issue in the Metro West area. The Metro West Water Conservation Task Force was formed in the summer of 2008 in response to this need. Its mission is:
- to educate municipalities and their residents of the need for water resource management in the Metro West region,
- to create a resource “toolkit” for all municipalities and residents to utilize with a centralized source for updates and information, and
- to develop partnerships to implement water resource management strategies.
The Task Force was instrumental in the formation of the Northwest Water Planning Alliance (NWPA). The Water Conservation Task Force has been disbanded and those resources are now concentrated in the NWPA. The NWPA brings together five councils of government and five counties in a voluntary partnership for water supply planning.
Chairman Engineering Enterprises, Inc.Technical Advisory Committee Chairman
Metro West Kane County Animal Control Task Force
Since 2007, Metro West has been working with Kane County on behalf of Kane County municipalities to negotiate animal control services contract issues. Metro West is now working collaboratively with Kane County to plan a second animal control shelter.